
The venue of the workshop is the departement of computer science of the KU Leuven (Ground/first Floor). See the map below:


There are two options (Heverlee) that are close to the venue and three options (center) that are in the city center. There is an excellent bus connection with the city center. Most prices are special for university related events. People that want to book a room should directly contact the hotels and provide the corresponding code. Please note that the rooms are only blocked until December 15.

Hotel Name Price / room Breakfast # Rooms available code Website Phone Number
Boardhouse - Heverlee 95 € 16 € ? B2018 link +32 16314444
TH4TH - Leuven centrum 170 € 20 € 12 VaMoS 2019 link +32 16227554
The Lodge Heverlee 117 € Included  15 VAMOS19 link +32 16509509
Hotel New Damshire - Leuven 116 € Included 15 VaMoS 2019 link +32 16745245
Theater Hotel Leuven-Centrum 115 € Included 10 VaMoS 2019 link +32 16222819

Social Events

Wednesday, we plan a guided tour at the InBev brewery (Stella Artois). We meet at the Aarschotsesteenweg 20, 3000 Leuven at 16:50 (see the plan below). You can get there from the Campus by taking Bus 2 and stop at “Leuven Station.” From the station the brewery is about 15 minutes walking. The tour starts at 17 h 00 (5 PM) and ends around 19 h 00 (7 PM).

Thursday, we plan the social dinner in the Faculty Club, Groot Begijnhof 14, 3000 Leuven (see the map below). We meet at the restaurant at 19 h 00 (7 PM, the dinner will be served in the Lemaire room). You can either walk to the Faculty Club (20 minutes) or get by taking Bus 2 at the Campus till “Leuven Sint-Kwintenskerk.” From there the Faculty Club is just a short walk. The event ends at 23 h 00 (11 PM).